PiVR has been developed by David Tadres and Matthieu Louis (Louis Lab).

9. PiVR software installation

9.1. Install PiVR on the Raspberry Pi

  1. Download the OS image here

  2. Write the image onto an SD card (minimal tested SD size 16 Gb, larger should always work.)

    1. Windows: Download and install Win 32 DiskImager and write the image on your SD card. Note: If you have Google Drive running you might have to shut it down for Win 32 DiskImager to run.

    2. Linux and MacOS: Download Etcher and write the image on your SD card. Note: I had to amend the image file with ‘.img’ in order to select it.

9.2. Install PiVR on a PC

  1. Install miniconda on your computer.

  2. Install git on your computer


If you have Windows, you may try this guide which will install the software more or less automatically.


If you have Ubuntu, you may try this guide which will install the software more or less automatically.

  1. Now, create an empty conda environment:

    conda create --name PiVR_environment
  2. Activate the environment you just created by typing:


    source activate PiVR_environment


    activate PiVR_environment
  3. Install the a number of packages which are necessary to run the PiVR software by copying each line of code into the Terminal

    conda install -y imageio=2.9.0
    conda install -y matplotlib
    conda install -y pandas
    conda install -y scipy
    conda install -y natsort
    conda install -y scikit-image
    conda install -c conda-forge opencv -y
    conda install -c conda-forge imageio-ffmpeg
    conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg
  4. You have now prepared the virtual environment PiVR will be running in.

  5. Using the anaconda terminal, change the working directory to a folder where you want to store the actual PiVR software.

    cd C:\Users\UserA\Documents>


    You might want to write down the exact path so that you will find it again in the future!

  6. Download the software by typing:

    git clone https://gitlab.com/louislab/PiVR
  7. Now navigate into the folder you have just downloaded by typing:

    cd PiVR
  8. To start the PiVR software type:

    python start_GUI.py

9.3. Install PiVR on a Windows 10 PC


If you are having trouble with this installation procedure, do the manual install.


Only Win10, 64bit tested!

  1. Open the Anaconda prompt

  2. Navigate into a folder where you want to store the PiVR software, for example:

    cd C:\Users\UserA\Documents>
  3. Download the software by typing:

    git clone https://gitlab.com/louislab/PiVR
  4. Navigate into the installation folder by typing:

    cd PiVR\Installation_update
  5. Create the Windows 10 virtual environment for the PiVR software to run using the provided package list by typing:

    conda create --name PiVR_environment --file PiVR_Win64.txt
  6. Once done, activate the virtual environment by typing:

    activate PiVR_environment

    You know you successfully activated the virtual enviroment if it says ‘(PiVR)’ at the beginnig of the line in the terminal.

  7. Start the software by going into the folder where the file “start_GUI.py” can be found, which is the parent folder of the installation folder you should be in now. So just type:

    cd ..
  8. And to finally start PiVR, type:

    python start_GUI.py

9.4. Install PiVR on a Linux PC


If you are having trouble with this installation procedure, do the manual install.


Only Ubuntu, 64bit tested)

  1. Open the Terminal

  2. Navigate into a folder where you want to store the PiVR software, for example:

    cd /home/UserA
  3. Clone the repository by typing:

    git clone https://gitlab.com/louislab/PiVR
  4. Navigate to the “Installation_update” folder of the repository you just cloned:

    cd /home/UserA/PiVR/PiVR/Installation_update
  5. Create the Linux virtual environment for the PiVR software to run using the provided package list by typing:

    conda create --name PiVR_environment --file PiVR_Linux64.txt
  6. Once done, activate the virtual environment by typing:

    source activate PiVR_environment

    You know you successfully activated the virtual enviroment if it says ‘(PiVR)’ at the beginnig of the line in the terminal.

  7. Start the software by going into the folder where the file “start_GUI.py” can be found, which is the parent folder of the installation folder you should be in now. So just type:

    cd ..
  8. Start the program by typing:

    python start_GUI.py

9.5. Start PiVR on a PC


To run PiVR, you of course need to first install the software.

  1. Open the Anaconda terminal (Windows) or Terminal (MacOS/Linux)

  2. Activate the virtual environment you have created during the installation. If you followed these instructions type:


    activate PiVR_environment


    source activate PiVR_environment
  3. Change directory to the folder where you downloaded the PiVR software into. In the example here we used:

    cd C:\Users\UserA\Documents\PiVR\PiVR
  4. Start PiVR software by typing:

    python start_GUI.py