Source code for tracking_help_classes

__author__ = 'David Tadres'
__project__ = 'PiVR'

import json
import operator
import os
import tkinter as tk

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from skimage.draw import line

    import cv2
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    pass # No need to do anything as the function is never called if
    # cv2 is not installed

[docs] class FindROI: """ This class is used to define the region of interest from a given regionproperties class. It also makes sure that the box is never outside of the frame. """ def __init__(self, regionproperties, boxsize, size_factor,image): self.regionproperties = regionproperties self.boxsize = boxsize self.size_factor = size_factor self.image = image self.row_min = 0 self.row_max = 0 self.col_min = 0 self.col_max = 0 self.centroid_row = 0 self.centroid_col = 0 self.assign() def assign(self): self.row_min = self.regionproperties.centroid[0] \ - self.boxsize * self.size_factor self.row_max = self.regionproperties.centroid[0] \ + self.boxsize * self.size_factor self.col_min = self.regionproperties.centroid[1] \ - self.boxsize * self.size_factor self.col_max = self.regionproperties.centroid[1] \ + self.boxsize * self.size_factor if self.row_min < 0: self.row_min = 0 if self.col_min < 0: self.col_min = 0 if self.row_max > self.image.shape[0]: self.row_max = self.image.shape[0] - 1 if self.col_max > self.image.shape[1]: self.col_max = self.image.shape[1] - 1 self.centroid_row = self.regionproperties.centroid[0] self.centroid_col = self.regionproperties.centroid[1]
[docs] class MeanThresh(): """ This class takes an image and calculates the mean intensities and standard deviation to calculate a threshold which can be use to segment the image. If no roi is given, the take whole image is taken into account. roi must be a roi class object """ def __init__(self, image, signal, sigma, roi = None, invert = False): self.thresh = 0 self.image = image if roi != None: self.row_min = roi.row_min self.row_max = roi.row_max self.col_min = roi.col_min self.col_max = roi.col_max else: self.row_min = 0 self.row_max = image.shape[0] self.col_min = 0 self.col_max = image.shape[0] if signal == 'white': if invert: self.operation = operator.sub else: self.operation = operator.add elif signal == 'dark': if invert: self.operation = operator.add else: self.operation = operator.sub else: print('You have to call signal either "bright" or "dark" ' 'to continue') print('Exiting program') import sys sys.exit() self.sigma = sigma self.calculate_threshold()
[docs] def calculate_threshold(self): """ Calculate threshold by: Depending on animal signal subtracting (white) or adding (dark) the mean of the pixel intensities in the ROI with a sigma (provided when class is called) times the standard deviation of the pixel intensities in the ROI """ self.thresh = \ self.operation( np.nanmean( self.image[ int(self.row_min):int(self.row_max), int(self.col_min):int(self.col_max) ] ), self.sigma * np.nanstd( self.image[ int(self.row_min):int(self.row_max), int(self.col_min):int(self.col_max) ] ) )
[docs] class CallImageROI(): """ This class consolidates the different calls to provide the ROI of the animal in a single class. Different frames of references are being used in the detection and tracking algorithm: The absolute pixel coordinates and the search_box. In different parts of the code different frames of references are used to call the image ROI: #. If only the image and the roi are given, the roi coordinates are given in the absolute frame of reference ( the 640x480 pixels of the image). #. If the boxsize parameter is given, the input image is **not** the full image. Instead, it is only the image of the search box, defined by the boxsize parameter! This is for example called in :func:`pre_experiment.FindAnimal.animal_after_box_mode_three` #. If the slice_input_image parameter is given, the input image is **not** the full image. Instead, it is only the image of the search box. In :func:`fast_tracking.ReallyFastTracking.animal_tracking` the algorithm only looks for the animal in a region defined by search_boxes. When providing the sliced_input_image this is taken into account. In order to keep the code as tidy as possible this class will help calling the ROI using an roi object """ def __init__(self, image, roi, boxsize = None, sliced_input_image = None): self.image = image self.row_min = roi.row_min self.row_max = roi.row_max self.col_min = roi.col_min self.col_max = roi.col_max if boxsize != None: self.boxsize = boxsize else: self.boxsize = None if sliced_input_image is not None: self.sliced_input_image = True self.subtract_row = sliced_input_image[0] self.subtract_col = sliced_input_image[1] else: self.sliced_input_image = None self.call_image()
[docs] def call_image(self): """ Depending on the input (full image, only search box) the ROI of the image is extracted. """ if self.boxsize is not None: self.small_image = self.image[ int(self.row_min - self.boxsize):int(self.row_max + self.boxsize), int(self.col_min - self.boxsize):int(self.col_max + self.boxsize)] elif self.sliced_input_image is not None: self.small_image = self.image[ int(self.row_min - self.subtract_row):int(self.row_max - self.subtract_row), int(self.col_min - self.subtract_col):int(self.col_max - self.subtract_col)] else: self.small_image = self.image[ int(self.row_min):int(self.row_max), int(self.col_min):int(self.col_max)]
[docs] class CallBoundingBox(): """ This class is heavily used in the :func:`fast_tracking.ReallyFastTracking.animal_tracking` function! It takes the full image and search_boxes coordinates and returns only the search_box (or ROI) of the image. """ def __init__(self, image, bounding_box): self.image = image self.row_min = bounding_box[0] self.row_max = bounding_box[1] self.col_min = bounding_box[2] self.col_max = bounding_box[3] self.slice_image() def slice_image(self): self.sliced_image = self.image[ int(self.row_min):int(self.row_max), int(self.col_min):int(self.col_max)]
[docs] class DescribeLargestObject(): """ This class takes a skimage regionprops object ( These regionprops objects have a list labelled image regions. If "animal_like" is False, the largest labelled image region ( defined by filled_area) is defined as the animal. If "animal_like" is True, each labelled image region checked against the following parameters taken from "available_organisms.json" #. A certain range of filled area #. A certain ratio of the long_axis over the short_axis #. A certain range of eccentricity This class analyzes a binary image and defines the largest object and saves it's bounding box, its major and minor axis and its centroid coordinates """ def __init__(self, regioproperties, roi, boxsize = None, animal_like=False, filled_area_min=None, filled_area_max=None, eccentricity_min=None, eccentricity_max=None, major_over_minor_axis_min=None, major_over_minor_axis_max=None ): self.filled_area = 0 self.eccentricity = 0 self.row_min = 0 self.row_max = 0 self.col_min = 0 self.col_max = 0 self.centroid_row = 0 self.centroid_col = 0 self.major_axis = 0 self.minor_axis = 0 if boxsize != None: self.boxsize = boxsize else: self.boxsize = 0 self.regionproperties = regioproperties try: # if roi is an roi object (pre_experiment) self.row_min_internal = roi.row_min self.col_min_internal = roi.col_min except AttributeError: # else if roi is a list self.row_min_internal = roi[0] self.col_min_internal = roi[1] # boolean switch that will turn as soon as something like one # of the if clauses that defines the animal has # been triggered at least once self.animal_like_object_detected = False if animal_like: self.filled_area_min = filled_area_min self.filled_area_max = filled_area_max self.eccentricity_min = eccentricity_min self.eccentricity_max = eccentricity_max self.major_over_minor_axis_min = major_over_minor_axis_min self.major_over_minor_axis_max = major_over_minor_axis_max self.animal_like_object() else: self.largest_object()
[docs] def largest_object(self): """ This function is just defining the largest labelled image region as the animal. """ datatype = [('filled area', np.uint16), ('row min', np.uint16), ('col min', np.uint16), ('row max', np.uint16), ('col max', np.uint16), ('centroid row', np.uint16), ('centroid col', np.uint16), ('minor axis', np.float32), ('major axis', np.float32), ('eccentricity',np.float32)] areas = np.zeros((len(self.regionproperties)), dtype=datatype) for j_areas in range(len(self.regionproperties)): areas['filled area'][j_areas] = \ self.regionproperties[j_areas].filled_area # To get the "real" coordinate (relative to the original # picture) and not just the coordinates of the # small picture the minimal row/col needs to be added to # the found box areas['row min'][j_areas] = \ self.row_min_internal - self.boxsize + self.regionproperties[j_areas].bbox[0] areas['col min'][j_areas] = \ self.col_min_internal - self.boxsize + self.regionproperties[j_areas].bbox[1] areas['row max'][j_areas] = \ self.row_min_internal - self.boxsize + self.regionproperties[j_areas].bbox[2] areas['col max'][j_areas] = \ self.col_min_internal - self.boxsize + self.regionproperties[j_areas].bbox[3] areas['centroid row'][j_areas] = \ self.row_min_internal - self.boxsize + self.regionproperties[j_areas].centroid[0] areas['centroid col'][j_areas] = \ self.col_min_internal - self.boxsize+ self.regionproperties[j_areas].centroid[1] areas['minor axis'][j_areas] = \ self.regionproperties[j_areas].minor_axis_length areas['major axis'][j_areas] = \ self.regionproperties[j_areas].major_axis_length areas['eccentricity'][j_areas] = \ self.regionproperties[j_areas].eccentricity # After concluding the for loop that cycles through all the # regionprops, sort them by the size of their filled area areas_sorted = np.sort(areas, order='filled area') # And just take the **largest** blob! self.filled_area = areas_sorted['filled area'][-1] self.row_min = areas_sorted['row min'][-1] self.row_max = areas_sorted['row max'][-1] self.col_min = areas_sorted['col min'][-1] self.col_max = areas_sorted['col max'][-1] self.centroid_row = areas_sorted['centroid row'][-1] self.centroid_col = areas_sorted['centroid col'][-1] self.minor_axis = areas_sorted['minor axis'][-1] self.major_axis = areas_sorted['major axis'][-1] self.eccentricity = areas_sorted['eccentricity'][-1]
[docs] def animal_like_object(self): """ This function tests each labelled image region for "animal likeness". The largest of these labelled image regions is defined as the animal """ datatype = [('filled area', np.uint16), ('row min', np.uint16), ('col min', np.uint16), ('row max', np.uint16), ('col max', np.uint16), ('centroid row', np.uint16), ('centroid col', np.uint16), ('minor axis', np.float32), ('major axis', np.float32), ('eccentricity', np.float32)] areas = np.zeros((len(self.regionproperties)), dtype=datatype) for j_areas in range(len(self.regionproperties)): #print('self.regionproperties[j_areas].filled_area: ' # + repr(self.regionproperties[j_areas].filled_area)) #print('self.regionproperties[j_areas].eccentricity: ' # + repr(self.regionproperties[j_areas].eccentricity)) #try: # print('ratio major/minor: ' + # repr(self.regionproperties[ # j_areas].major_axis_length / # self.regionproperties[ # j_areas].minor_axis_length)) #except ZeroDivisionError: # print('cant divide by zero(minor axis length)') if self.filled_area_min \ < self.regionproperties[j_areas].filled_area \ < self.filled_area_max \ and self.eccentricity_min \ < self.regionproperties[j_areas].eccentricity \ < self.eccentricity_max \ and self.major_over_minor_axis_min \ < self.regionproperties[j_areas].major_axis_length \ / self.regionproperties[j_areas].minor_axis_length \ < self.major_over_minor_axis_max: print('found a blob that could be an animal') areas['filled area'][j_areas] = \ self.regionproperties[j_areas].filled_area # To get the "real" coordinate (relative to the # original picture) and not just the coordinates # of the small picture the minimal row/col needs # to be added to the found box areas['row min'][j_areas] = \ self.row_min_internal - self.boxsize + self.regionproperties[j_areas].bbox[0] areas['col min'][j_areas] = \ self.col_min_internal - self.boxsize + self.regionproperties[j_areas].bbox[1] areas['row max'][j_areas] = \ self.row_min_internal - self.boxsize + self.regionproperties[j_areas].bbox[2] areas['col max'][j_areas] = \ self.col_min_internal - self.boxsize + self.regionproperties[j_areas].bbox[3] areas['centroid row'][j_areas] = \ self.row_min_internal - self.boxsize + self.regionproperties[j_areas].centroid[0] areas['centroid col'][j_areas] = \ self.col_min_internal - self.boxsize + self.regionproperties[j_areas].centroid[1] areas['minor axis'][j_areas] = \ self.regionproperties[j_areas].minor_axis_length areas['major axis'][j_areas] = \ self.regionproperties[j_areas].major_axis_length areas['eccentricity'][j_areas] = \ self.regionproperties[j_areas].eccentricity self.animal_like_object_detected = True # After selecting for animal-like shape, sort to get the # largest of the animal like shapes and define it as the # animal. areas_sorted = np.sort(areas, order='filled area') self.filled_area = areas_sorted['filled area'][-1] self.row_min = areas_sorted['row min'][-1] self.row_max = areas_sorted['row max'][-1] self.col_min = areas_sorted['col min'][-1] self.col_max = areas_sorted['col max'][-1] self.centroid_row = areas_sorted['centroid row'][-1] self.centroid_col = areas_sorted['centroid col'][-1] self.minor_axis = areas_sorted['minor axis'][-1] self.major_axis = areas_sorted['major axis'][-1] self.eccentricity = areas_sorted['eccentricity'][-1]
[docs] class DrawBoundingBox(): """ Used only during debug mode when user can see the tracking algorithm in action. Indicates the ROI (search box) where the algorithm has detected the animal. """ def __init__(self, image, roi, value): self.image = image self.image_with_box = None self.row_min = roi.row_min self.row_max = roi.row_max self.col_min = roi.col_min self.col_max = roi.col_max self.value = value self.draw_box()
[docs] def draw_box(self): """ Draws the bounding box directly into the numpy array """ self.image_with_box = self.image.copy() # top horizontal rr, cc = line(int(self.row_min), int(self.col_min), int(self.row_min), int(self.col_max)) self.image_with_box[rr, cc] = self.value # right vertical rr, cc = line(int(self.row_min), int(self.col_max), int(self.row_max), int(self.col_max )) self.image_with_box[rr, cc] = self.value # bottom horizontal rr, cc = line(int(self.row_max), int(self.col_min), int(self.row_max), int(self.col_max )) self.image_with_box[rr, cc] = self.value # left vertical rr, cc = line(int(self.row_min), int(self.col_min), int(self.row_max), int(self.col_min)) self.image_with_box[rr, cc] = self.value
[docs] class Save(): """ Used to Save experimental data after the experiment is concluded - for both the cases where either the experiment is finished as expected or an error occurred and the experiment abruptly crashed. """ def __init__(self, heads, tails, centroids, image_skel, image_raw, image_thresh, background, local_threshold, real_time, pixel_per_mm, bounding_boxes, midpoints, stimulation = None, arena=None, heuristic_data=None, datetime=None, time_delay_due_to_animal_detection=0, loop_time=None, recording_time=None, framerate=None, time_dep_stim_file=None, high_power_led_bool = False, pwm_range=100, save_centroids_npy=False, save_heads_npy=False, save_tails_npy=False, save_midpoints_npy=False, save_bbox_npy=False, save_stim_npy=False, save_thresh_npy=False, save_skeleton_npy=False, undistort_dst=None, undistort_mtx=None, newcameramtx=None ): self.heads = heads self.tails = tails self.centroids = centroids self.image_skel = image_skel self.image_raw = image_raw self.image_thresh = image_thresh self.local_threshold = local_threshold self.smoothed_background = background self.real_time = real_time # comes in us! self.pixel_per_mm = pixel_per_mm self.bounding_boxes = bounding_boxes self.save_centroids_npy = save_centroids_npy self.save_heads_npy = save_heads_npy self.save_tails_npy = save_tails_npy self.save_midpoints_npy = save_midpoints_npy self.save_bbox_npy = save_bbox_npy self.save_stim_npy = save_stim_npy self.save_thresh_npy = save_thresh_npy self.save_skeleton_npy = save_skeleton_npy self.undistort_dst = undistort_dst self.undistort_mtx = undistort_mtx self.newcameramtx = newcameramtx if stimulation is not None: self.stimulation = stimulation if high_power_led_bool: # This corrects for the inversion of stim numbers # in the HP setups self.stimulation = pwm_range - self.stimulation else: self.stimulation = np.zeros((self.heads.shape[0])) self.arena = arena self.heuristic_data = heuristic_data self.datetime = datetime self.midpoints = midpoints self.time_delay_due_to_animal_detection = \ time_delay_due_to_animal_detection # change real_time from us to s for ease of readibility self.real_time /= 1e6 self.loop_time = loop_time self.recording_time = recording_time self.recording_framerate = framerate self.time_dep_stim_file = time_dep_stim_file self.high_power_led_bool = high_power_led_bool self.pwm_range = pwm_range # IF the experiment is run on a HP setup the stimulus is # inverted: 100 means the light is OFF whereas 0 means the # light is 100% on. To make sure the presentation during the # experiment is correct all values of the time_dep_stim_file # are inverted. As this is confusing for the data analysis ( # 100 goes into the stimulation file while 0 comes out) it # needs to be inverted again. This happens here: if self.high_power_led_bool and self.time_dep_stim_file is not None: self.time_dep_stim_file = self.pwm_range - \ self.time_dep_stim_file self.save_n_plot() def save_n_plot(self): # chdir(self.path) print('saving') if self.save_heads_npy:'heads.npy', self.heads) if self.save_tails_npy:'tails.npy', self.tails) if self.save_centroids_npy:'centroids.npy', self.centroids) if self.save_midpoints_npy:'midpoints.npy', self.midpoints) if self.save_bbox_npy:'bounding_boxes.npy', self.bounding_boxes) if self.loop_time is not None:'loop_time.npy', self.loop_time) if self.save_skeleton_npy:'sm_skeletons.npy', self.image_skel) if self.save_thresh_npy:'sm_thresh.npy', self.image_thresh)'sm_raw.npy', self.image_raw) if self.save_stim_npy: # only save the stimulation array if at least one value of # the stimulation array is non-zero if len(np.nonzero(self.stimulation)[0]) > 0:'stimulation.npy', self.stimulation) if self.newcameramtx is not None: self.smoothed_background = cv2.undistort( self.smoothed_background, self.undistort_mtx, self.undistort_dst, None, self.newcameramtx) if self.undistort_mtx is not None: # also save the undistort mtx and dist matrices. It takes # almost no space (a kb or so) and is very convenient to have np.savez('undistort_matrices.npz', **{'mtx': self.undistort_mtx, 'dist': self.undistort_dst}) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.axis('off') ax.imshow(self.smoothed_background, cmap='Greys_r') #, origin='lower') # todo - check if this is correct (different from!) ax.scatter(y=self.centroids[0:-1, 0], x=self.centroids[0:-1, 1], color='k', label='Centroid', s=1, alpha=0.5) ax.scatter(y=self.heads[0:-1, 0], x=self.heads[0:-1, 1], color='r', label='Heads', s=1, alpha=0.5) try: if self.stimulation[0] != 0: # I think this work but it's ok to keep the blank exception # as we must not have an error at this stage as it would # hinder saving the data! try: ax.imshow(self.arena, alpha = 0.5, cmap='hot_r') except: pass except ValueError: # This will fail in case of time dependent stimulus therefore # try..except pass ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig('Overview of tracking.png') if self.arena is not None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) x = np.arange(0, self.recording_time, 1 / self.recording_framerate) ax.plot(x,self.stimulation) ax.set_ylabel('Stimulation [% of abs max]') ax.set_xlabel('Time[s]') fig.savefig('VR Stimulation over time.png') #except: # pass if self.time_dep_stim_file is None: print('time_dep_stim_file is None') csv_object = pd.DataFrame({'Frame': np.arange(0, self.centroids.shape[0]), 'Time': self.real_time - self.real_time[0], 'X-Centroid': self.centroids[:, 1], 'Y-Centroid': self.centroids[:, 0], 'X-Head': self.heads[:, 1], 'Y-Head': self.heads[:, 0], 'X-Tail': self.tails[:, 1], 'Y-Tail': self.tails[:, 0], 'X-Midpoint': self.midpoints[:, 1], 'Y-Midpoint': self.midpoints[:, 0], 'Ymin-bbox': self.bounding_boxes[0,:], 'Ymax-bbox': self.bounding_boxes[1,:], 'Xmin-bbox': self.bounding_boxes[2,:], 'Xmax-bbox': self.bounding_boxes[3,:], 'local threshold': self.local_threshold, 'stimulation': self.stimulation, }) # Originally, we had missing values set to zero but it turns # out it is better to set it to nan. Do that here csv_object.loc[csv_object.Time < 0, ['Time', 'X-Centroid', 'Y-Centroid', 'X-Head', 'Y-Head', 'X-Tail', 'Y-Tail', 'X-Midpoint', 'Y-Midpoint', 'Ymin-bbox', 'Ymax-bbox', 'Xmin-bbox', 'Xmax-bbox', 'local threshold', 'stimulation']] = np.nan csv_object.to_csv(os.getcwd() + '/' + self.datetime + '_data.csv', sep=',', \ columns=['Frame', 'Time', 'X-Centroid', 'Y-Centroid', 'X-Head', 'Y-Head', 'X-Tail', 'Y-Tail', 'X-Midpoint', 'Y-Midpoint', 'Ymin-bbox', 'Ymax-bbox', 'Xmin-bbox', 'Xmax-bbox', 'local threshold', 'stimulation' ], na_rep='NaN') else: print('time_dep_stim_file is not None') csv_object = pd.DataFrame({'Frame': np.arange(0, self.centroids.shape[0]), 'Time': self.real_time - self.real_time[0], 'X-Centroid': self.centroids[:, 1], 'Y-Centroid': self.centroids[:, 0], 'X-Head': self.heads[:, 1], 'Y-Head': self.heads[:, 0], 'X-Tail': self.tails[:, 1], 'Y-Tail': self.tails[:, 0], 'X-Midpoint': self.midpoints[:, 1], 'Y-Midpoint': self.midpoints[:, 0], 'Ymin-bbox': self.bounding_boxes[0, :], 'Ymax-bbox': self.bounding_boxes[1, :], 'Xmin-bbox': self.bounding_boxes[2, :], 'Xmax-bbox': self.bounding_boxes[3, :], 'local threshold': self.local_threshold, # we're now saving the actually presented value # This makes sure timestamps are as expected. 'Stim Ch1': self.stimulation[:,0], 'Stim Ch2': self.stimulation[:,1], 'Stim Ch3': self.stimulation[:,2], 'Stim Ch4': self.stimulation[:,3] }) # Originally, we had missing values set to zero but it turns # out it is better to set it to nan. Do that here csv_object.loc[csv_object.Time < 0, ['Time', 'X-Centroid', 'Y-Centroid', 'X-Head', 'Y-Head', 'X-Tail', 'Y-Tail', 'X-Midpoint', 'Y-Midpoint', 'Ymin-bbox', 'Ymax-bbox', 'Xmin-bbox', 'Xmax-bbox', 'local threshold', 'Stim Ch1', 'Stim Ch2', 'Stim Ch3', 'Stim Ch4']] = np.nan csv_object.to_csv(os.getcwd() + '/' + self.datetime + '_data.csv', sep=',', \ columns=['Frame', 'Time', 'X-Centroid', 'Y-Centroid', 'X-Head', 'Y-Head', 'X-Tail', 'Y-Tail', 'X-Midpoint', 'Y-Midpoint', 'Ymin-bbox', 'Ymax-bbox', 'Xmin-bbox', 'Xmax-bbox', 'local threshold', 'Stim Ch1', 'Stim Ch2', 'Stim Ch3', 'Stim Ch4' ], na_rep='NaN') print('saved in ' + os.getcwd() + '\\' + self.datetime + 'data.csv') if self.heuristic_data is not None: csv_object_heuristics = pd.DataFrame({ 'filled area in pixel': self.heuristic_data[0,:], 'filled area divided by px/mm': self.heuristic_data[1,:], 'major over minor axis': self.heuristic_data[2,:], 'eccentricity': self.heuristic_data[3,:], 'skeleton length in px': self.heuristic_data[4,:], 'skeleton length in mm': self.heuristic_data[5,:], 'speed in pixel per frame': self.heuristic_data[6,:], 'speed in mm per frame': self.heuristic_data[7,:], 'speed in mm per second' : self.heuristic_data[8,:] }) csv_object_heuristics.to_csv(os.getcwd() + '/' + self.datetime + '_heuristics.csv', sep=',', columns=['filled area in pixel', 'filled area divided by px/mm', 'major over minor axis', 'eccentricity', 'skeleton length in px', 'skeleton length in mm', 'speed in pixel per frame', 'speed in mm per frame', 'speed in mm per second']) # read experiment settings with open('experiment_settings.json', 'r') as file: experiment_info = json.load(file) experiment_info['Time delay due to Animal Detection[s]'] = \ self.time_delay_due_to_animal_detection # save (overwrite) the experiment_settings file again with open(('experiment_settings.json'), 'w') as file: json.dump(experiment_info, file, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
[docs] def show_vr_arena_update_error(recording_framerate, vr_update_rate): """ This function warns the user that an incompatible frame rate/dynamic arena update frequency has been chosen. For example, if the frame rate is 30frames per second and the update rate is 10Hz the arena will be updated every 3rd frame (30/10=3). This is of course possible. If the frame rate is 30frames per second and the update rate is set to 20Hz the arena should be updated every 1.5th frame ( 30/20=1.5). This is not possible. What will happen is that for every other frame the arena will be updated for each frame and the other it will take two frames to update. This will lead to a mean of 1.5 but it's not regular, of course. As this can easily lead to bad data being produced without the user knowing (no explict error will be thrown) this function informs the user of the mistake so that they can change the settings to either 40frames per second to keep the 20Hz update rate or to change the update rate. """ top = tk.Toplevel() tk.Label(top, text='You have chosen a frame rate of ' + \ repr(recording_framerate) + \ 'and a dynamic arena update rate of ' + repr(vr_update_rate) + '.\nThis would lead to an update every ' + \ repr(round(recording_framerate / vr_update_rate,2)) + ' frames which can not be delivered! \n' 'Please choose a frame rate that is ' 'compatible with the update rate or vice versa.' ).pack() tk.Button(top, text="OK", command=top.destroy).pack(pady=5)
def undistort_points(point_col, point_row, undistort_mtx, undistort_dst, newcameramtx): """ Uses the opencv2 library to undistort a pair of x/y points """ # The input needs to come in this particular format point_of_interest = np.zeros((1,1,2), dtype=np.float32) point_of_interest[0, 0,:] = point_col, point_row # Now correct the centroid position corrected_points = cv2.undistortPoints(point_of_interest, undistort_mtx, undistort_dst, None, newcameramtx) cor_point_col = corrected_points[0][0][1] cor_point_row = corrected_points[0][0][0] return(cor_point_col, cor_point_row)